Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Spring

It is getting warm again. Not only the weather, but everything, everyone. The spring is quite a big thing here up North, since they have long winter periods. They have parties and fests to rejoice its coming. Songs, costumes, foods.
"I like the spring because it makes me happy."
I used to say I wasn't a warm-weather kind of person. I've had too much of it. I liked the breeze, the cold. I felt weird, because everyone else liked summer. Was I that strange?
It took me one hell of a winter to understand that they were never talking about the temperature. 
It was so simple, so raw, so delicate. So fragile and unconscious, yet so strong and present. Maybe you are a cold-weather person like I was. That will change. It's not that I stopped liking coats and sweaters for sweat, don't get me wrong. No matter how many springs and summers come, they will always be preceded by a winter. The worse the winter, the better the spring. In the end of your winter, there will be days of warmth and days of cold. There will be laughter and there will be shivering. Perhaps you will even get a little tanned. Mark that day of warmth so you won't forget.
I didn't use to go out whenever I saw the Sun just because it was there. You can't miss a thing you have in your consciousness and on your skin most of the time. Take it off your mind and you will dislike it; take it off your skin and you will love it.
I had it taken off my skin. I started loving it. From the bottom of my heart, I love the Sun. It is clear that I'm not talking about the temperature. It is simple, raw, delicate. Fragile and yet strong. Unconscious and yet present.
I love to smile.

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